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Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) Advantages and Disadvantages

Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) Working Principles 

The Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) is very much similar to the Spot Welding (RSW) but here circular rotating electrodes are used. And here we get continuous weld which is air-tight (If the process is perfect). 
The seam-welding form of the resistance process is a series of overlapping welds. Two or more sheets of base metal are usually passed between electrode rollers, as shown in following Figure, which transmit the current and also the mechanical pressure required for producing a welded seam which is normally gas-tight or liquid-tight. 

Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) Working principles

Please see the steps involved in RSEW 

Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) Working principles

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Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) Advantages and Disadvantages 


  • Gas tight as well as liquid tight joints can be made. 
  • The Overlap is less than spot or projection welding. 
  • The production of single seam weld and parallel seams can be got simultaneously. 


  • The welding process is restricted to a straight line or uniformly curved line. 
  • The metals sheets having thickness more than 3mm can cause problems while welding. 
  • The design of the electrodes may be needed to change to weld metal sheets having obstructions. 

Applications of RSEW  

  • Girth weld is possible in rectangular or square or even in circular shapes. 
  • Most of the metals can be welded (Except copper and some high percentage copper alloys)
  • Butt welding can be done. 
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